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发布时间:2022-12-29 作者: 浏览次数:1992

学历: 博士       所属部门:生化化学与分子生物学系

职称: 教授       招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学(博士、硕士)



盖英萍,博士,教授,博士生导师。1994年在im体育农业大学获学士学位,1999年获硕士学位,同年留校在im体育任教,2008年获生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。近年来主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目、im体育自然基金等课题多项。在《Molecular & Cellular Proteomics》、《Plant, Cell & Environment》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表研究论文40余篇。






1. 国家自然科学基金项目:长链非编码RNA SILR编码的小肽SILR-Pep介导的桑树耐盐分子机制研究(No. 321717482022-2025;主持

2. 国家自然科学基金项目:桑树韧皮部汁液长距离运输miRNAs结合蛋白的鉴定及功能研究(No. 316706002017-2020;主持

3. 国家自然科学基金项目:桑树响应植原体侵染的microRNAs的生物学功能和调控机制研究(No. 311004782012-2014;主持

4. im体育自然基金项目:桑树韧皮部汁液磷酸化蛋白质组学研究(No. 2015ZRB019UE2015-2018;主持

5. im体育中青年科学家奖励基金项目:烟草NtLEA7-3基因的表达调控及生物学功能分析(No. BS2010NY0152011-2013;主持

6. 国家自然科学基金项目:桑树韧皮部lncRNA编码的响应植原体侵染的小肽的鉴定及其功能和作用机制研究(No.321727992022-2025;参加

7. 国家自然科学基金项目: 桑树韧皮部汁液响应植原体侵染的转录组学和蛋白质组学整合分析(No. 310705732011-2013;参加

8. 国家自然科学基金项目:桑树植原体致病的分子机制研究(No. 309723662010-2011;参加

9. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:桑树重要品质性状形成与调控(No. 2018YFD10006022018-2022;参加


1. Characterization of GABA-Transaminase Gene from Mulberry ( Morus multicaulis) and Its Role in Salt Stress Tolerance. Genes, 2022, 13(2): 501.

2. MicroRNA profiling during mulberry (Morus atropurpurea Roxb) fruit development and regulatory pathway of miR477 for anthocyanin accumulation. Front Plant Sci. 2021, 12: 687364

3. Transcriptome and DNA methylome reveal insights into phytoplasma infection responses in mulberry (Morus multicaulis Perr.). Front Plant Sci. 2021, 12: 697702.

4.Expression and functional analysis of a PR-1 Gene, MuPR1, involved in disease resistance response in mulberry (Morus multicaulis). J Plant Interact. 2019, 14(1): 376-385.

5.Characterization of NPR1 and NPR4 genes from mulberry (Morus multicaulis) and their roles in development and stress resistance. Physiol Plantarum. 2019, 167(3): 302-316.

6.Integrated phloem sap mRNA and protein expression analysis reveals phytoplasma-infection responses in mulberry. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2018, 17(9): 1702-1719.

7.A novel lncRNA, MuLnc1, associated with environmental stress in mulberry (Morus multicaulis). Front Plant Sci. 2018, 9: 669.

8. MiRNA-seq-based profiles of miRNAs in mulberry phloem sap provide insight into the pathogenic mechanisms of mulberry yellow dwarf disease. Sci Rep. 2018, 8: 812.

9. The latex protein MLX56 from mulberry (Morus multicaulis) protects plants against insect pests and pathogens. Front Plant Sci. 2017, 8: 1475.

10. Metabolomic analysis reveals the potential metabolites and pathogenesis involved in mulberry yellow dwarf disease. Plant, Cell & Environment. 2014, 37: 1474–1490.

11.  Analysis of phytoplasma-responsive sRNAs provide insight into the pathogenic mechanisms of mulberry yellow dwarf disease. Scientific Reports. 2014, DOI: 10.1038 / srep05378.

12. Involvement of ligninolytic enzymes in degradation of wheat straw by Trametes trogii. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2014, 117, 85-95.

13. Phytoplasma proteomic analysis. In Matthew D, Jennifer H. Editors. Springer Protocols series ‘Methods in Molecular Biology’ ---‘Phytoplasma: Methods and Protocols’. Humana Press. New York. 2012.

14. A Novel Late Embryogenesis Abundant Like Protein Associated with Chilling Stress in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bright Yellow-2 Cell Suspension Culture. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2011, 10: M111.010363.


1. 桑树病程相关基因非表达子基因NPR1的克隆及应用. 国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL201310335049.8

2. 一种增强桑树抗病能力的miRNA的克隆及其应用. 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL201510589342.6

3. 一种增强桑树耐盐能力的miRNA的克隆及其应用. 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL201510589099.8

4. 一种利用转长链非编码RNA基因砧木增强果桑耐盐能力的方法. 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL202010748622.8

5. 一种桑树白藜芦醇合酶基因及利用其增强桑树耐旱能力和提高桑白皮中白藜芦醇含量的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请(专利): CN202111323717.6
